Student Council (President) US $11.76. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. He generally emotes with various shades of faint smiles regardless of situation, and treats most situations with an airy lack of gravity and general interest, with a preference for the wild and unpredictable. Checkmate It was only DreamFes in history to be labelled with the letter C, and became the point at which the path split. Geniuses are truly such mysterious beings., Hello, Tsukinaga-kun. Leo says that Eichi is his worst enemy, not his friend, but when Eichi says he'll help him, Leo rubs his head against his chest and says he loves him. So I thought I understood his feelings. Important translation note: Tenshi, Leos nickname for Eichi, is also the Japanese word for angel.), Oh, Tsukinaga-kun. Casual 2 You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud, Im back hehe.. Pinterest. [30], Eichi thinks of him and Leo as having been close, and wonders if it was only him who thought so. Eichi: I'm having a midlife crisis.,,,,, He has implied that he has English conversational skills and has offered to instruct. Eichi's Monologue What the Enstars characters actually mean. Eichi has lived most of his life confined to a hospital bed, so weak that he was often unable to even feed himself; when he was able to leave the hospital, he was friendless and isolated, surrounded by vultures who wanted to climb into his good graces as heir to the Tenshouin Zaibatsu, the largest conglomerate in Japan's entertainment industry. A veteran powerhouse unit with a rich history, RYUSEITAI existed even when Jin Sagami was a Yumenosaki student. Conversely, Eichi frequently expresses regret over what he did during the war[16], so much so that he has constant nightmares about it[17]. Tsukasa: It's Leader. timeline and concerns the drastic social and structural reform of Yumenosaki Private Academy. However, that relationship didnt last long, either. This granted fine a swell of popularity each time they defeated one of the Eccentrics, and encouraged a violent and blind faith in fine's cause. Youre right, it might be a good idea to revolt at least once., Oh. Haha, he has my condolences., W-Woah.! Explore. [6] Later on, Eichi says he no longer has the right to have Tsumugi's friend, despite Tsumugi expressing that he'd like to be friends again. [Course Events] Eichi Tenshouin [Checkmate]. Kingdom - 77 Same with Tori. He was assisted by Hokuto Hidaka, who wore a mask and hid his identity during the live (he was known as "Hockey Mask" on-stage) due to the necessity to have 2 or more members performing at once. From the onset, Eichi planned for fine to dissolve completely after the unit's final live against Wataru. DREAM LIVE -5th Tour "Stargazer"- The point is, DreamFes around that time was still just an experiment It was still an unpolished prototype, so there was no guarantee it would work as Id expected. I actually haven't dug the whole lore but I do really need at least short summary why people hated him, like what he had done in the past? idk because he does develop in the ! As he defeated his former comrades, one after another, he soon became resented by everyone and could no longer triumph in DreamFes battles. Instead of punishing them, the prince puts them on a pedestal above all others. Did Eichi just cried while writing a letter? Could it be that you arranged it to suit my vocal range?Or am I just being conceited?, Thank you. This page contains spoilers. Casual 1 [6] To this extent, Eichi installed Tsumugi as the leader of fine, as Tsumugi was someone whom the students could relate to: someone without any particular strength, but who was "leading" a unit against five ultra-talented geniuses and winning, proving that anyone could succeed if they work hard enough. VisionPainting A New Scenery NEW COLOR. Tea Club (President) [27] He wonders if Leo, like Tsumugi, loved him more than he thought.[25]. Leo spent time with Eichi while he was healing after having his arm broken and they became friends. Members of Chess were, like most Yumenosaki students at the time, behaved not unlike delinquents, and were not above animal cruelty and physical bullying. Because Valkyrie's shows did not occur under the DreamFes system, they now technically ranked at the bottom of the school hierarchy, which forced Valkyrie into a corner. Members would often gather in the underground live house (introduced in Crossroad), and, as a result, it became known as a gathering place for thugs and truants. 3-A Temporary During the War era, Eichi remarks that no one would come to visit him when he was hospitalized, so he began to forbid visitors all together. Collecting teacups Nazuna would later defect and join Ra*bits, but Mika remained with Shu in Valkyrie. He didnt know nor did he want to know, because once he understands why, hell have come to terms with these Feelings. 59kg I want to finally settle it between us, after all.You dont like that, either? [21] He claimed to not be interested in Leo anymore, but Madara pointed out that conflicted with Eichi having taken a trip to see Leo perform despite his condition. So to put an end to all of that, I held Checkmate after my condition stabilized. He befriended Tsumugi Aoba, a classmate and the class president who had befriended nearly every person in the school, in order to use Tsumugi's social connections and familiarity with the school for his plans.[2]. Other Languages When it hits zero, his servants appear to transport him to medical care. the thing is he created them only to destroy them, and its supposed to be all for the end goal but the end gaol is still not good, Personally i hate him because of what he did to tsumugi. Jul 17, 2021 - Explore Emily's board "Eichi Tenshouin " on Pinterest. He wears short white gloves and his shoes are white with gold accents and soles. 3D [Course Events] Eichi Tenshouin [Checkmate] (Checkmate Course Events for Eichi, and the innocent days when the Emperor was good friends with the King. Many events in the war parallel interactions that happen during the Ensemble Stars! [4] Furthermore, Eichi understood he lacked presence in Yumenosaki due to being almost entirely absent during his first year of school. However, students were bullied and forced to leave school prior to the war and during it, and a few had committed suicide. Hikaru Midorikawa ()Aaron Dismuke (English Dub)Pasu Leung Wai Tak () (Cantonese Dub) fine was the prime instigator of the war; many of the occurrences during the year were due to Eichi Tenshouin's schemes. Touch device users can explore by touch or with swipe gestures. January 10th (Capricorn) 18-19 [6], During the War era, Eichi demonstrates difficulty understanding that people would befriend genuinely, instead of only wanting to use him for his connections as a Tenshouin. Eichi has an "Eichi-kun gauge" that monitors his physical health. The collars, buttons, and cuffs of his shirt are a darker navy blue. At the very start of the year, in spring, fine had very little presence. Eichi decided not using Leo as one of the Five Oddballs, but he used him as experiment for the DreamFes system instead. The English Ensemble Stars Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Eichi: I might die at 34. The uniform consists of a regal white jacket with gold ornamental shoulder pieces and decorations on the lapel. eichi fucking dies; shu monologues; sakuma brother sillyness; tsumugi almost snaps at the end but dont worry about it; this fic is prob exactly what you expect; . Ballroom dancing Important translation note: 'Tenshi,' Leo's nickname for Eichi, is also the Japanese word for 'angel.') I Welcome You (1/ 3) "Oh, Tsukinaga-kun. Word spread that these five were so talented they did not work hard and instead used Yumenosaki as their personal playgrounds, tempting others to slack and causing chaos wherever they went. Once Leo caught onto Eichi's schemes, however, he began to challenge Eichi over and over until Leo eventually ran himself to the ground. Eichi Tenshouin Eichi and Tsumugi, hard workers in their own right, performed in supporting roles to ensure that Hiyori and Nagisa shined. (Tori too, his growth since ! Agencies soon began to automatically turn away students from Yumenosaki, presuming that none of them had skill or ability, leading to unrest among the student body. Tenshouin Eichi Future Fic you ain't a wataei author if you haven't done THIS before [writes ab Eichi being dead/dying] Dreams Angst Hurt No Comfort No magic could bring him back. Despite what he'd done he has shown to be quite remorseful and is doing his best to change and make up for the many mistakes he has done in the past. Keito duels with his emotions to comply the last wish of the person he love since long time ago. We're missing Family for this character, any help is welcome! The Universe that Encompasses All. His pants are white with golden embellishments on the waist and golden-lined pockets. and all of its servers. Ill have to be careful I dont invoke their rage., You seem to really like my singing voice.Tenshis singing voice? Im curious whether you mean Tenshi as in your nickname for me, or Tenshi to mean angel.Ah, the next song is starting. "[3], Despite having the motivation and vision, Eichi struggled to come up with the specifics of how to accomplish his goal. Today. Voice [7] Tsumugi knowingly and actively assisted with Eichi's plans, believing everything they were doing was a "necessary sacrifice. Press J to jump to the feed. Formed in Shu Itsuki and Nazuna Nito's first year in Yumenosaki, Valkyrie was originally a two-person unit with Mika Kagehira joining the year after. ", Just as Eichi had ex-fine challenge and defeat the Eccentrics using trickery and popular support, Trickstar challenged Eichi and new fine using wit and the support of the student body. Aesthetic Art. miles. Judgment was put down as J, Duel as D, and any other DreamFes were labelled as O. [17] Leo invited Eichi to participate in Checkmate with him to celebrate him leaving the hospital,[18] and Eichi accepted so he could see Leo up close on stage. Its like watching a movie thats completely unpredictable.Oh, Im just talking to myself. Haha, it almost makes me feel like I could start jumping around, as well., Hm? Because Leo was hated by his old mates and other students during his rampage, he failed in the . Eichi Tenshouin, who loved idols but who knew he could die at any moment due to his especially poor health at the time, took drastic measures to "cleanse" the school of its ills in as short a period of time as possible. Quotes"auNGH my back!! New Dimension Course/Double Face Second Part, Quarrel Festival - A Fleeting Prosperous Dream 3, The King's Horseback Ride - Knight Killing 4, Leo Tsukinaga - Birthday Celebration (2018). But there's more to his character so stop slandering him for shallow reasons without understanding why he's done them. Leo: Sena doesn't think I'm capable of making my own decisions. Elmo. To my embarrassment, I was mistaken. Debut !" Eichi when prompted with heart failure "Hello Allie my love" Eichi Tenshouin is canonically half dead but bisexual And legend has it if a very hot single mother or Tw*nk calls upon his name at 6 am in the morning he will come to your doorstep and is rumoured to Give you a Gluck Gluck sloppy toppy extra wet Gushy Wushy hotdog in the hall. Manga If youd be willing to give me that healthy body of yours, then I wouldnt mind letting you sleep there?You could sleep as long as you like, and I could move around freely, as well. It seems very easy to sing, too. In Wonder Game, it's shown that the four of them did share the same dream to improve Yumenosaki, and that they valued one another as companions who fought alongside each other. On stage, Eichi wears fine's uniform, which includes a white tuxedo shirt, a white ruffled cravat with blue trims, and a dark blue vest with gold buttons. Though regretful of his loss, Eichi admitted he had hoped someone would be able to triumph over him eventually. And from both on the surface and behind the scenes, I secretly tried to control him. They have their complexities and flaws, they're not to be painted all in black. Haha, even after all that talk about hating hospitals.Well, I dont mind. The English Ensemble Stars Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. While indoctrinating him with half-truths, I used the student council, created new plans. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . I had a feeling you would give me a good game, though.Hm? At that time, I was in and out of the hospital, so it was a lot of trouble trying to do everything myself. However, as time passed, Eichi grew contempt towards the concept of heroes, claiming that they are glorified killers. is Jingle Bells, Wataru starts joking that he'd like to live in a pyramid and Eichi's like "I wonder how much those cost" and Wataru back steps like NO I WAS JOKING DO NOT and Eichi laughs about it. Valkyrie was the most powerful unit in Yumenosaki, and its performances were known for their powerful, moving artistry. The war ( sensou) took place one year before the Ensemble Stars! Isnt that a bit too soon. After Wataru's execution live show in Element, its members split up in accordance to their respective contracts. +Shipping: US $10.07. Youre really getting into it now that youre interested. (Traditional) (Simplified) Tinxingyun Yngzh The unit consisted of Eichi, Tsumugi, Nagisa, and Hiyori. Hows Chess, Tsukinaga-kun?Ah, I dont mean the game of chess. Im talking about your unit.It looked like things were a bit of a mess the other day, so Im just curious., Boring? Most students turned to delinquency, and would damage property, litter, and cause altercations on and off campus. The Universe that Encompasses All. 2023-01-10T12:13:57Z Comment by shiningstar. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Seeing as how he was so small and slender, just like a girl. From the looks of it, it seems like you still cant move your arm., Haha, I know how you feel. Though the strain was proving too much for them, both Nazuna and Mika supported Shu's draconian expectations out of a love for Valkyrie and Shu. Once Eichi Tenshouin instituted the 2-5 unit member cap and DreamFes system, it became unprofitable to have so many members in one unit. I broke up the swollen Chess, used Judgment to remove the ill, affected areas used Duel to kill off enemies, the disease attacking from outside. [2][3], When Eichi was younger, he used to be a spoiled child who behaved much like Tori. See more ideas about ensemble stars, anime boy, anime. And what I wanted was to bring revolution to Yumenosaki and the idol industry. "But no matter how beautiful something is, if it remains still, it is meaningless to me. For convenience, I separated them by alphabetic letters on the student councils paperwork. You cant dance here. eichi tenshouin | eichi tenshouin icons | ensemble stars icons | anime icons. You seem like youre in a bad mood today.Since the weathers so nice today, why dont we go out for a walk?Ah. Introject of Eichi Tenshouin. His body isn't in great shape, but his performance has a transcendental charm to it. As leader of the ruling unit, Shu was known as Yumenosaki's sovereign ( teiou, synonymous with "emperor"), similar to how Eichi is known as Yumenosaki's emperor ( koutei) in Ensemble Stars!. Eichi's last name Tenshouin consists of three characters which mean "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" () (ten), "auspice/auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune" () (shou) and "hospital, institution" () (in). Max - stats at Max lvl without Idol Road or any Limit Break.IR - Max lvl with Idol Road complete with no Limit Break.IR1 - IR4 - Max lvl with Idol Road complete with 1-4 Limit Breaks respectively. Pub: 28 Jan 2023 22:01 UTC Edit: 28 Jan 2023 22:02 UTC Yet somewhere along the way, things begin to fall apart. Since its creation, RYUSEITAI has always been a unit associated with heroes. If you really really hate him with a passion that's fine but if you're just here to slandering him, making horrible comments for all of his actions because that's fun and everyone is doing it, then I hope you've at least read up why he's chosen to do them and have fully acknowledge that your favorite characters wouldn't be your favorite characters right now because they probably wouldn't exist or if not that, they wouldn't be who they are today. Specialty I recommend you read the !-era main story or to watch the anime to get the whole idea. They're characters who we shouldn't judge based off mere surface level understanding. Reminiscences ( tsuioku) are flashbacks that pertain to the war. Members of SocietyOff to a New Start GO! After all, he could probably guess what Id been planning. It was my first trial, as something that no one had tried before And I didnt have much confidence in it, so I had him give it a go first. And if you're here because you want to genuinely learn more about him, past why he is so hated by a lot of people, then go ahead and read up his lore. Thats right, Ive gotten used to receiving special treatment.There was no need to pretend in front of you. [1], While Yumenosaki's reputation was mostly restored as a result of Eichi's initiative, most of the files and records that were kept regarding the events and units of the war were destroyed by Tsumugi, the only active member of the Library Committee. Despite his frail health, he has a hearty appetite and a preference for meat. In a less tragic assessment of affairs, this means he is clumsy with basic social concepts like friendship, and he is long-winded and dramatic from having socialized mainly with movies and books. By Tempest, although still holding some doubts towards whether he is able to truly love anyone, Eichi tells Wataru he trusts him more than anyone in the world, wouldnt mind being betrayed so long as it were by him, and wonders if those feelings are what society considers love. Later they dance together before the live, and Eichi eventually returns Watarus love confession in Fist of the Shangri-la idol. I checked some popularity polls and he had good turnouts. Do you have some kind of grudge against monks?.Ah, I see. Eichi sings with a gentle and delicate voice, with elegant performances brimming with warmth. [7] To that end, he is grateful Trickstar appeared. Other Units No Dni. Eichi muses that Leo is still going along with his "impossible lie" from their time in the hospital. Fight to the Death on the Silver ScreenFist of the Shangri-la Idol! stupid boydont listen to this with more than 50% volume unless you want your ears damaged by eichi himself Keito drafted up an outline of their plan to "revolutionize" the school, and Eichi modified it to suit his needs. While the students who lived through the war refer to it in violent terms, no literal blood was spilled during the so-called "battles" of the war. [17] He used Leo to test out the DreamFes system and held Checkmate once Leo become too strong. Aira Shiratori, Rei Sakuma By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Weight Eichi has lived most of his life confined to a hospital bed, so weak that he was often unable to even feed himself; when he was able to leave the hospital, he was friendless and isolated, surrounded by vultures who wanted to climb into his good graces as heir to the Tenshouin Zaibatsu, the largest conglomerate in Japan's entertainment industry. He also has long bangs. Chess was one of the oldest and most powerful units in Yumenosaki, and war era members of Chess enjoyed the privileges of being part of a "veteran" unit without actually doing work. Hospital food & IV drips File:(Scheme of the Mastermind) Eichi Tenshouin Idol Road B.png, File:(Scheme of the Mastermind) Eichi Tenshouin Idol Road M.png, 10 Rainbow Pieces, 2100 Small Jewels, 600 Medium Jewels, 150 Large Jewels + 2000 stats per attribute, : Medium x3, Live Skill Piece x1, Green Type Piece x1, : Large x2, Green Type Piece x2, Idol Piece x3, : Large x2, Live Skill Piece x3, Green Type Piece x3, : Large x2, Support Skill Piece x3, Green Type Piece x3. Voice Eichi rejected Tsumugis suggestion, stating that Leo would not work as an eccentric due to his already poor reputation. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe . This led to an influx of Yumenosaki students graduating into the entertainment world, flooding the industry with individuals who had not honed any skills and had no experience in any kind of performance, never mind idol activities. Character Art. Eichi used Leo's participation in Duels and Judgments to refine the nascent DreamFes system. 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John Belushi Weekend Update Luck Of The Irish, Car Accident East Bay Largo, Fl Today, Benefits Of Groundnut Cake, Articles E