This, so as to be able to determine whether any of the ideas/options offered actually (a) address and meet our needs and, if so, (b) whether any one such idea or option might do this better than another. Unfortunately, most people in the military are unaware of their own philosophy- or, at the least, the institutional philosophy that their doctrine, planning constructs, and systems and processes are founded upon. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. And. ~ Lightning Press. Similarly, the personnel and acquisition systems of SW forces would be more flexible and geared towards SWs mission as opposed to being largely beholden to red-tape and bureaucracy (SOCOMs acquisition system for SW forces is arguably just as cumbersome and ineffective as the Conventional Forces). Others, more inclined toward and adept at reflection-in-action, nevertheless feel profoundly uneasy because they cannot say what they know how to do, cannot justify its quality or rigor.. What I don't like is the idea that as long as it is hard we should not try and simply leave it to others to figure out. Our technical surveillance enables smart weapons which largely depend on digitized enabled surveillance. Decisions need to be made and executed quickly. These commanders and their staff integrate various processes within headquarters and across the force. In addition to having the most advanced medical and surgical techniques of the ancient Americas, the Inca constructed more than 12,00012,00012,000 miles of roadway and aqueducts to supply taxpaying and labor-contributing tribes throughout the empire. Today, we are going to discuss the Army Warfighting Functions. b. b. We have made some fundamental errors trying to do too much and depending on others to provide the reasoning for our actions. The distinction you explicitly make seems to detract from your deeper point. 2013. Your email address will not be published. Well done. Centers of Gravity analysis, the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP), and Lines of Effort tools are just a few examples of concepts that appear in military doctrine with few, if any, references. Everything evolved in and out of UW---I am surprised that the current SF senior leaders do not jump immediately back to UW/SW as it is and always has been the core historical success of SF. The identification of the need for this information and subsequently coordinating its collection is therefore a part of the Int WFF. Let the Rangers have the gadgets and the direct action stuff. I am amazed at the ACoS's "what was missing in Iraq" comment ----what was missing was the Army's decision to rush head long into Iraq to accomplish what recently one member for the former NCA termed "we wanted to kick someone's butt", WITHOUT understanding exactly what was on going inside Iraq --this is the single major failure that is today not even understood by those that claim the surge worked and or those that think by recreating a new field of discussion ie human domain that is the future way forward. We in the military, in my opinion, follow the Behavioralist school of political theory as an institution- quite consciously, are unconscious Positivists in philosophical outlook- both individually and institutionally, and yet we pretend to be Rational Choice Theorists. There are three types of social change or influence according to some: compliance, identification, and internalization (Kelman HC, Compliance, Identification, and Internalization: Three processes of attitude change, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1958, 51-60.). [xli] If SOF is to be successful at the operational and higher tactical levels, absent a personnel system that allows for flexibility and mission focus, we must incorporate at the very least a rigorous testing and experimentation program to assist us in finding the right tools and philosophical approach for operating in the human domain. The rules, laws, events and mechanisms of this underlying reality are at play in all of our observable experiences and events. and ask: a. Ironically, the seemingly bloodthirsty culture, when not participating in an estimated 20,00020,00020,000 human sacrifices a year, took great interest in the beauty of nature; Aztecs, who lacked plows or beasts of burden, took the time to grow beautiful flowers strictly for decoration. This is the future that the ACoS means when he mentions human domain---what he does not mention ---it can only be handled via UW/SW. Additionally, I do believe that sudying the society/culture you will be operating in is important but if you spend to much time on that and neglect the warfighting side you start to get into an area of diminishing returns. Not to compare the two leaders, but you could say the same thing about Hitler's bombing of London. Thru the same lens they would have recognized what events indicate discipline and control and what events reflect anxiety, panic, fear and hysteria. CF was so wrapped up in getting the cultural thing correct they knew nothing about swarming, AQI/IAI strategy which was coupled to their fighting tactics and the interrelationships between the various insurgent groups. Interesting take on the situation inside SOF community. This is distinct from a highly skilled practitioner of a set of skills (I.e. If one took the time to "understand the Sunni, Shia and AQI in Iraq one "saw" them at work---their surveillance, their targeting process, their swarm tactics and especially their thinking on the use of IEDs---and if one "understood" that then one could move onto their strategy which drove their battlefield tactics. Because we did not "understand he enemy" we exported what we thought were successes to AFG only to have them basically fail. This will ensure freedom of action, extend operational reach, and prolong endurance in support of . that are part and parcel to these such state and societal breakdown and rebuilding initiatives? The purpose of the Protection WFF is to preserve combat power, the ability of the force to operate in the threat environment. Its certainly a sticky issue and Im not sure what the right mix of security and positive public affairs efforts are. Merton described many of the problems that are endemic to bureaucracies: "trained incapacity" resulting from "overconformity", defending of ones own entrenched interests rather than acting to benefit the organization, resisting change to established routines, emphasizing formality and process over relationships, and trained to ignore context and circumstance. That Special Operations is just now getting around in my opinion to being in the same boat is a reflection of two occurrences: the 1987 establishment of Special Operations as a 4-star command and the large growth in Special Operations since 9/11. You followed "your" American military pattern as you always had, without realizing it was your pattern. [ix] Sacolick, Bennet S. & Grigsby, Wayne W, Jr., Special Operations/Conventional Forces Interdependence: A Critical Role in Prevent, Shape, Win, Army Magazine, JUN 2012, 39-40. That is, they encompass so much that they are rendered almost useless. b. The Maya, who developed an astrological calendar that allowed them to grow crops in poor soil, were originally thought to be a peaceful people, but archaeologists have since determined that intertribal warfare brought about their decline. Last but by no means least the BCT can access the entire conventional arsenal of the US Armed Forces. [xxxix] To engage most effectively within the human domain- our SW forces should be supported with an education and training institution second to none. So while our enemy understands us, I believe that we have a hard time understanding them insofar as we dont know how to defeat them. B130876 Warfighting 7 Basic Officer Course . 1. It is the activity involved in the change of location of equipment, personnel or stocks as part of a military operation1 to or within a potentially hostile environment. A warfighting function is a group of tasks and systems (people, organizations, information, and processes) united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives. It seems rather outlandish to me and reminds me a bit of Marxist literature predicting the rise of the disenfranchised and the oppressed (workers of the world unite!). ~ Army U Press. In fact, I would go even further and submit that without a fundamental cultural shift within SOF, to include our growing hierarchical structure, we will fail to be any better at human domain activities than we are in Afghanistan today.
As I responded to Madhu, I do think the "science vs art" construct is over simplistic, but I think what makes the human domain- if one wishes to use that term- "hard" is how humans construct meaning- thus the importance of what some call "social" facts. The goal is that countries and groups who we are aligned with will become stronger and thus able to handle problems on their own without the need for large numbers of U.S. troops, which arguably get in the way of long-term progress anyway. The insurgent does not have to observe small America in order to understand our fielded units as we tended to in Iraq and AFG export our life styles into the enemies own territory making it easy for them to "know" and "understand" us. Before falling to the Spanish in 152115211521, the Aztecs left several permanent contributions to history and to the explorers of the New World: chocolate, derived from indigenous cacao beans; tomatoes, potatoes, and numerous other vegetables that have long become staples to the rest of the world; and, as testament to the artisans among the Aztecs, an accurate, 242424-ton limestone calendar that took more than fifty years to construct. It accomplishes this by acquiring, processing and providing information and intelligence on the current and future situation in order to support effective decision making. A central precept of military doctrine is the recognition that uncertainty is a fundamental characteristic of military operations . Art, admittedly, forces one to take risk. With this understanding of (1) our national goal and objective and (2) the problems and responsibilites related thereto, and with an acknowledgement that the resources we have to accomplish these missions and to deal with these problems and responsibilities have been greatly diminished, now let us consider thoughts on the "human domain" generally and the ideas presented by LTC Martin specifically (re: participatory observation, critical realism, less rather than more troops, etc.) Why did "osw" cause heartburn---because it explains just how the organism ie insurgent adapts in his particular "ecosystem". The memoir covers the period from about 1941 to 1973. [iii] Although I understand the argument that the domains are not separate and indeed overlap greatly as well, in addition to other arguments for or against the concept, in order to make a point I will use them in their doctrinal form. Those who survived were forced to abandon their customs and live beneath Spanish rule for the next three centuries. 1. Preferably we would rigorously experiment with different constructs and approaches as our norm. SF majors who are not selected to be S-3 operations officers for a Group (brigade-level organization) are rarely considered competitive for tactical command, however SF Groups do not fight as Groups, normally SF fights as teams. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) We saw in the last days the killing of a really major Hezbollah Commander by an AQ affiliate who is rumored to be supported by the Saudi's. Interestingly, this makes me wonder how we could have missed such an important aspect of the human domain and the military operations we undertook as a nation. SW demands from a SF team far more in what Germans call "spitzengefuelhlen" or the feelings in your fingertips or the Art that you refer to. It also includes the non-physical aspects of the force such as information and reputation. The bureaucracy loves its metrics. Arrogance and underestimating your opponent are great ways to ensure failure. Emerging from a 101010 collection of city-states with no central government, the Maya reached a cultural peak between A.D. 250250250 and 900900900. Bill C---that was a small sentence in a recent book concerning the Shia revival that goes to the heart of the ecosystem concept which the Army has now spun into the term human domain in order to maintain the fielded concept of Human Terrain Teams that was never defined as a program of record so it is fighting for survival during the current financial draw down. In the middle of the interrogation he says to me---"you all know that we know you are jamming our detonators"---being internally literally surprised by the statement---outward answer was sure we know. The protection warfighting function enables the commander to maintain the forces integrity and combat power. Also see Paparone, Chris, COL (ret. we turn to our warfighting philosophy found in MCDP 1, Warfighting. The implications of this 180 degree strategic sea-change -- to be experienced across the board -- are rather dramatic and, as such, have proven rather difficult for us to grasp and to deal with morally, militarily, etc. What happens when the local populations finally after being brutually held down and are afraid to even come out of their houses DOES come out of their houses fully armed and willing to defend their villages/towns/cities? Observation/surveillance is the only tool that allows for any UW cell to survive. Warfighting functions and the dependability of knowledge. Special Operations within the U.S. Military faces a crossroads. Since the Cold War and especially since 9/11, the Army has stayed very large and SOF has grown even more. The mission became one of democratization. We must introduce at least our SOF soldiers to the concepts of the critical realist[i] philosophy and to the practice of forming multi-paradigmatic views. What do you think about the Army Warfighting Functions? The danger lies with ARSOF copying the U.S. Armys use of physical domain approaches when it comes to the human domain. This is most likely well and good when SOF is engaged in doing the so-called surgical strike missions of which our nation (and our government to a large extent- to include USSOCOM) is enamored with as of late. If any kind of mission was conducive to a technically rational approach, it would be surgical strike missions.[xxxvii]. Protection. The goal, re: the human domain generally and participatory observation specifically, has less to do with "knowing one's enemy" and more to do with developing and maintaining relationships with indigenous personnel; this, so as to be able to (1) defeat the enemy (a resistant standing government or a resistant population group as the case may be) and (2) achieve our objectives without (3) the use of large numbers of U.S. trooops. What are the command and control warfighting function tasks? Montezuma was killed during a short uprising in 152115211521 while instructing the Aztecs to make peace with the Spaniards. Overthrow a local government that is standing in the way of progress (the state and societal transformations we desire). Can you imagine the reaction of the Indian authorities if you suggested they study Pakistani Punjab village culture in order to counter a repeat of the attack on the Taj Hotel and VT. Who says that a "human domain" warfighting function would solely be the domain of SF? I believe the system works but I would like to hear your opinion. If we would have "understood" the Iraqi insurgency we actually would have seen the strategy being used vs only the symptoms ie the battle field tactics. Its antithesis is post-positivism, or, as many prefer to call it- especially within the military- critical realism. C. The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) (The enemy is not confused and is under no illusion. ~ Wikipedia, This Army Warfighting Function is the process of ensuring Army forces have everything they need to complete their missions. Using the vocabulary list for the lesson, supply the correct word to complete the sentence. Identified change is that which results from others identifying with those wanting the change. Command & Control 2. That's a good one. That globalization is adding echelons of wealth concentration doesn't necessarily mean something "new" is happening. [xl] Although I think it is terrible to see war in terms of three levels: tactical, operational, and strategic, I use these terms for communication purposes. On a personal note, I remember when I was in Iraq in 2003, 2004/05, all the internet cafes on the FOBs that allowed our troops lots of free time when they were back inside the wire to communicate with family, friends etc. Doctrine applied to the physical domains- made up of explicit knowledge- makes sense in some areas. At worst they are used as paradigms with which our force must use when thinking about, planning for, and acting during operations. Instead we should inculcate in all our personnel (focusing on improving battalion and higher HQs) some of the same things they use naturally at the team level: a healthy disdain for micromanagement, a skepticism about higher HQs understanding of things, a resistance to the conventional wisdom and any institutionally-preferred way of thinking, and an innovative passion that helps team members strive to come up with creative ways of approaching situations. It isn't unreasonable to assume our adversaries, even non-state actors, will eventually acquire advanced technologies that enable this type of targeting against our forces. It accomplishes this through adopting measures and conducting actions to reduce the risk posed by adversary, environmental and other threats and hazards. I think there needs to be some re-evaluation about these issues. "The goal is not more money, more missions, or more personnel. And, thereby. Thus, "knowing one's enemy" seems to be taking a back seat to building partner trust and building partner capacity during this new period of peace. RantCorp--just how many hours of any given day did either the AQI, the Sunni IAI or the Shia Iraqi Hezbollah spend just simply watching every move a BCT or Marine Regt made in Iraq---kind of like a pattern of life targeting process just in reverse and just how much times does the HiG or the Taliban spend watching our every move in AFG-----hours, days, weeks? For example, on the one hand the methodology implores professionals to critically think, but it then defines the specific ways in which one must think about war, a wholly uncritical approach. In other words, it's special tactics in a very conventional, multi-party, though not industrial scale, war. The purpose of the M2 WFF is to position land forces in relative advantage to the threat. D. The World Trade Organization (WTO). The intelligence warfighting function tasks facilitate the commanders visualization and understanding of the threat and other relevant aspects of the operational environment. While that may be correct, I did not list it here because I believe Special Operations itself, uses the six above, which would make it a unit using the system. THEN the IED game got serious as it was the Duke vs a thinking/adapting UW team meaning once they understood jamming principles they simply starting moving the trigger away from the IED in order to figure out the jamming distance which took about ten days of real attempts to figure it out and then they were off and running again. [i] Ana Purna gives a good description of critical realism on ( The major themes are these: A reality exists independent of human conception and perception. In order to be effective when dealing with things like social influence,[xxxii] the requirements are literally something that SOF has been getting further away from being able to do since at least 1987, but especially since 2003. I assume. Well, enough with my psychobabble for now. Viewed from that perspective, the self-defense groups of Michoacn, heroic and dignified, represent a fresh and hopeful alternative that should be recognized and supported. Grant-----maybe Ben Z might agree with the following ---I would venture that currently in the Force the use of MDMP in it's standard form does in fact kill critical thinking as one simply goes through the rote of doing the steps not the thinking behind the why one is doing each of the steps. 20 What are the 6 Warfighter functions? One organizations human domain is not how the ACoS uses it. What does it mean to have a warfighting culture? This process is ongoing and commanders use tasks in: to obtain this intelligence. The scope of engagement may include Other Government Agencies (OGA), Non-Government Organisation (NGO), Host Nation (HN) Government, and key elements within the civil community in general. The following passage describes the characteristics of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec cultures of Central and South America. What keeps them in the fight is they are observant and patient and both of those come free. Outlaw09, In the old days we might have known that our goal -- via containment, etc. The difficulty now in returning to UW or what you call SW is that there is a distinct lack of SF training personnel deeply grounded experience wise in UW---so much of what is being transferred is just from the recent wars. Without that systemic logic- the system was doomed to strategic failure. The Mission Command function allows commanders to balance their command and control duties while integrating the other Warfighting Functions. There was a series of great comments on the question of UW recently in Dave Maxwell's SWJ article. LTC Grant M. Martin is a Special Forces officer in the U.S. Army. If one thinks about it, the 7th WfF and the human domain, defined as the totality of the physical, cultural and social environments that influence human behavior to the extent that success of any military operation or campaign depends on the application of unique capabilities that are designed to fight and win population-centric conflicts, [xi] border on tautologies. Art isnt something one does while coloring within the lines and SOF shouldnt be looking for a methodology to assist us with it. Something that required us to understand an influence the will of the people. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Doing the SF legacy mission with none of the high selectivity. Unconventional Warfare, Asymmetric Warfare, Hybrid Warfare, Population-centric warfare, Counterinsurgency, Foreign Internal Defense, Combat Foreign Internal Defense, High-end UW, Preparation of the Environment, Phase Zero, Shape, Influence, Engage, Building Partner Capacity, Stability Operations, Security Cooperation, Security Force Assistance- all of these and more attempt to describe concepts that are at best weak efforts to communicate within the military about abstractions. I agree with your assessment, the way we use technology largely replaced our use of the M1E to gain a true understanding of our operational environment, so while we have better battle field awareness on a T.V. Upon promulgation of Marine Corps Indeed, advise/assist can be done by conventional forces. c. And know the kind of war that one is embarked upon. [xxxviii] USDA, Special Operations, ADP 3-05, 2012, 8. Logistics 6. Obviously I would give the M1E multiplier a greater weight than most but I dare suggest that seeing, smelling, hearing and even touching, talking and drinking tea with personnel within the target perimeter will boost your chances each and every day. We select, train, and equip our forces specially- and we can see the difference at our lowest levels: the team level, but then we plan, promote, organize, and educate them at higher levels largely in the same manner as the conventional forces do. Secondly, by attacking civilian targets, the terrorists strategy was to influence those within the power base? Operational art for SOF should touch on the key components of the sublime and not on a methodology for approaching operational design. Writing a handbook to assist in the sublime is almost impossible, how does one tell a promising painter how to be a da Vinci? ing functions. What is the Movement and Maneuver warfighting function? This practitioner further learns while doing, always able to revisit assumptions due to an intellectual humbleness with respect to the world. Any armed group of men funded by anyone can do the ally part. Warfighting Functions: The seven mutually supporting military activities integrated in the conduct of all military operations. There are no platoon outposts there. It had only a marginal military impact but that was not his intent. Manoeuvre elements may then exploit the advantage gained through that terrain action to destroy the threat in close combat. [xxiv] Just to head off any protests, I realize this dual-natured description is disingenuous, however I am constraining myself to the two choices our society presents us with and their respective approaches. Mentioned as inspiration for The Matrix films, one might compare the militarys paradigm to the Matrix: we are locked into it, but unaware of its existence. [xvi] See Donald A. Schon, The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think in action. In your case in Iraq any place where there were loads of screens. Certainly our formidable advantage in hardware and men will readdress this disadvantage considerably but will it boost our prospects a thousand fold? Essentially thru their M1Es the HN Command have developed a intuitive connection to the Khost conflict ecosystem. The intelligence warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that facilitate understanding the enemy, terrain, and civil considerations (ADRP 3-0). It is often seen as the opposite of Foreign Internal Defense (FID), an umbrella term encompassing COIN. The Marine Corps defines the fires warfighting function as "Fires harass, suppress, neutralize, or destroy in order to accomplish the targeting objective, which may be to disrupt, delay, limit, persuade, or influence. The guerrillas M1E is the one piece of equipment that is just as sophisticated and capable as our own. Thank you for the listing and your comments. A warfighting function is a group of tasks and systems (people, organizations, information, and processes) united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives. [vii] Some recent doctrinal publications have not linked the Warfighting Functions to combat power, instead referring to unified land operations and describing them as either destructive or constructive in nature. Lastly, all of these capabilities would be used to develop an innovative approach to complex problems, those problems that are inherent when the military attempts social change. Democracy is a bottom-up political ideology. Administrative movement is related to the Sustaining WFF. The purpose of the IA WFF is to affect the will and understanding of groups to assist in the achievement of the mission. Or, 2. "I did not want to recall how many negative comments were made by countless officers about how stupid the insurgents were when in fact they are still in the fight and we are long gone from Iraq.". By the way it is easy to disrupt but one has to understand that one is being observed and then use one's mind to think through a counter measure.. Within Internalized Social Change, the social anthropological method of Participatory Observation is closest to the function of what SOF, and others acting within the Human Domain would be involved with: one would literally be involved in participatory action, observation, learning, and influencing- the emphasis being on participatory: meaning that one would be influenced just as much as the other being observed. And yet, since the Political Science world has shifted towards Rational Choice Theory- we too have tried to stay edgy and cool, and likewise we have come up with all kinds of elegant models and metaphors to try to make life seem simple to us- turning abstractions into concrete concepts and teaching everyone the language of those abstractions through doctrine- which helps in communication, but does little for us in terms of critically knowing ourselves. The. NATURE OF PLANNING o Planning as Command and Control o The Functions of Planning and Plans o Uncertainty and Time: Planning for an Unknowable Future This giving them (the enemy) both a head-start and a distinct advantage over our young leaders, who may not be as savvy, knowledgeable or well-informed? The danger to SOF does not lie simply with the publication of the handbook: this is simply a symptom of a larger problem. In some aspects the Civilian Defense groups are forcing the military and federal police to start offenses against some of the TCOs but it should be noted that the military and federal police have been are to a degree also corrupted by the TCOs. What came after was different. This was true for the SF of the 60/70s---the ability to "understand the mission, understand your enemy and understand yourself" before one is dropped in with no support from the outside world. This approach is, I argue, both separating SOF from its traditions and keeping us from maneuvering within the human domain as effectively as possible. Unfortunately our schoolhouse is beholden to metrics and check-the-block assessments. The seven warfighting functions are command and control, fires, force protection, information, intelligence, logistics, and maneuver. The position supports the Joint Staff J8 Warfighting Analysis Division (WAD) to understand, model and interpret U.S., ally, partner, and adversary . 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