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When Kayla isnt working at Journey or hanging out with her husband (Brady) you can find her, Campus Minister at Sterling Correctional Facility, Meet Doug Piggee (Pijay)! :\]\]|--)>\s*$/g;function pa(a,b){return n.nodeName(a,"table")&&n.nodeName(11!==b.nodeType?b:b.firstChild,"tr")?a.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0]||a.appendChild(a.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody")):a}function qa(a){return a.type=(null!==a.getAttribute("type"))+"/"+a.type,a}function ra(a){var b=na.exec(a.type);return b?a.type=b[1]:a.removeAttribute("type"),a}function sa(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;if(1===b.nodeType){if(N.hasData(a)&&(f=N.access(a),g=N.set(b,f),{delete g.handle,{};for(e in j)for(c=0,d=j[e].length;d>c;c++)n.event.add(b,e,j[e][c])}O.hasData(a)&&(h=O.access(a),i=n.extend({},h),O.set(b,i))}}function ta(a,b){var c=b.nodeName.toLowerCase();"input"===c&&X.test(a.type)?b.checked=a.checked:"input"!==c&&"textarea"!==c||(b.defaultValue=a.defaultValue)}function ua(a,b,c,d){b=f.apply([],b);var e,g,h,i,j,k,m=0,o=a.length,p=o-1,q=b[0],r=n.isFunction(q);if(r||o>1&&"string"==typeof q&&!l.checkClone&&ma.test(q))return a.each(function(e){var f=a.eq(e);r&&(b[0],e,f.html())),ua(f,b,c,d)});if(o&&(e=ca(b,a[0].ownerDocument,!1,a,d),g=e.firstChild,1===e.childNodes.length&&(e=g),g||d)){for(,"script"),qa),i=h.length;o>m;m++)j=e,m!==p&&(j=n.clone(j,!0,!0),i&&n.merge(h,_(j,"script"))),[m],j,m);if(i)for(k=h[h.length-1].ownerDocument,,ra),m=0;i>m;m++)j=h[m],Z.test(j.type||"")&&!N.access(j,"globalEval")&&n.contains(k,j)&&(j.src?n._evalUrl&&n._evalUrl(j.src):n.globalEval(j.textContent.replace(oa,"")))}return a}function va(a,b,c){for(var d,e=b?n.filter(b,a):a,f=0;null!=(d=e[f]);f++)c||1!==d.nodeType||n.cleanData(_(d)),d.parentNode&&(c&&n.contains(d.ownerDocument,d)&&aa(_(d,"script")),d.parentNode.removeChild(d));return a}n.extend({htmlPrefilter:function(a){return a.replace(ka,"<$1>")},clone:function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,h=a.cloneNode(!0),i=n.contains(a.ownerDocument,a);if(! if (event.persisted) { Send Email. Urban Christian Academy is a private, K-8 school with an . He not only leads Journey, but has been instrumental in leading our city of churches (Tracy For Christ) as well as serving as a Church Planting coach and training other pastors / leaders. She has been married to Richard for 26 years and are proud parents of Steven and Grace. Wherever you are in your faith journey, we hope you will take your next step at Compass Christian Church. // }, 250); NM.isFlexEditorFrame = false; At the start of 2014, the Mount Dora campus officially opened, and in September 2018, a permanent facility was purchased for this campus in Lake County. Meet Arron Chambers! Pastor Harvey currently serves as our Online Campus Pastor and as part of our pastoral care team. }); Christ Journeyers Share Their Faith Journeys. Lead Minister Robert Bess Pastor Robert became Lead Minister at Journey Christian Church in June of 2020. !z(this,"string"==typeof a&&w.test(a)?n(a):a||[],!1).length}});var A,B=/^(? Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.) Journey is comprised of men and women who love God and want to see everyone come to a loving relationship with Jesus. !a(b)}catch(c){return!1}finally{b.parentNode&&b.parentNode.removeChild(b),b=null}}function ja(a,b){var c=a.split("|"),e=c.length;while(e--)d.attrHandle[c[e]]=b}function ka(a,b){var c=b&&a,d=c&&1===a.nodeType&&1===b.nodeType&&(~b.sourceIndex||C)-(~a.sourceIndex||C);if(d)return d;if(c)while(c=c.nextSibling)if(c===b)return-1;return a?1:-1}function la(a){return function(b){var c=b.nodeName.toLowerCase();return"input"===c&&b.type===a}}function ma(a){return function(b){var c=b.nodeName.toLowerCase();return("input"===c||"button"===c)&&b.type===a}}function na(a){return ha(function(b){return b=+b,ha(function(c,d){var e,f=a([],c.length,b),g=f.length;while(g--)c[e=f[g]]&&(c[e]=! Live; Welcome. 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Kurtis served as youth pastor of Journey of Grace (formerly Mesa First) from 2003-2013. )*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { Latest Message. if (NM.isFeaturePage){ (f!==i[0]&&i.unshift(f),c[f]):void 0}function Ab(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h,i,j={},k=a.dataTypes.slice();if(k[1])for(g in a.converters)j[g.toLowerCase()]=a.converters[g];f=k.shift();while(f)if(a.responseFields[f]&&(c[a.responseFields[f]]=b),!i&&d&&a.dataFilter&&(b=a.dataFilter(b,a.dataType)),i=f,f=k.shift())if("*"===f)f=i;else if("*"!==i&&i!==f){if(g=j[i+" "+f]||j["* "+f],!g)for(e in j)if(h=e.split(" "),h[1]===f&&(g=j[i+" "+h[0]]||j["* "+h[0]])){g===!0?g=j[e]:j[e]!==!0&&(f=h[0],k.unshift(h[1]));break}if(g!==!0)if(g&&a["throws"])b=g(b);else try{b=g(b)}catch(l){return{state:"parsererror",error:g?l:"No conversion from "+i+" to "+f}}}return{state:"success",data:b}}n.extend({active:0,lastModified:{},etag:{},ajaxSettings:{url:jb.href,type:"GET",isLocal:pb.test(jb.protocol),global:!0,processData:!0,async:!0,contentType:"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",accepts:{"*":ub,text:"text/plain",html:"text/html",xml:"application/xml, text/xml",json:"application/json, text/javascript"},contents:{xml:/\bxml\b/,html:/\bhtml/,json:/\bjson\b/},responseFields:{xml:"responseXML",text:"responseText",json:"responseJSON"},converters:{"* text":String,"text html":!0,"text json":n.parseJSON,"text xml":n.parseXML},flatOptions:{url:!0,context:!0}},ajaxSetup:function(a,b){return b?yb(yb(a,n.ajaxSettings),b):yb(n.ajaxSettings,a)},ajaxPrefilter:wb(sb),ajaxTransport:wb(tb),ajax:function(b,c){"object"==typeof b&&(c=b,b=void 0),c=c||{};var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m=n.ajaxSetup({},c),o=m.context||m,p=m.context&&(o.nodeType||o.jquery)?n(o):n.event,q=n.Deferred(),r=n.Callbacks("once memory"),s=m.statusCode||{},t={},u={},v=0,w="canceled",x={readyState:0,getResponseHeader:function(a){var b;if(2===v){if(!h){h={};while(b=ob.exec(g))h[b[1].toLowerCase()]=b[2]}b=h[a.toLowerCase()]}return null==b?null:b},getAllResponseHeaders:function(){return 2===v?g:null},setRequestHeader:function(a,b){var c=a.toLowerCase();return v||(a=u[c]=u[c]||a,t[a]=b),this},overrideMimeType:function(a){return v||(m.mimeType=a),this},statusCode:function(a){var b;if(a)if(2>v)for(b in a)s[b]=[s[b],a[b]];else x.always(a[x.status]);return this},abort:function(a){var b=a||w;return e&&e.abort(b),z(0,b),this}};if(q.promise(x).complete=r.add,x.success=x.done,,m.url=((b||m.url||jb.href)+"").replace(mb,"").replace(rb,jb.protocol+"//"),m.type=c.method||c.type||m.method||m.type,m.dataTypes=n.trim(m.dataType||"*").toLowerCase().match(G)||[""],null==m.crossDomain){j=d.createElement("a");try{j.href=m.url,j.href=j.href,m.crossDomain=vb.protocol+"//"!=j.protocol+"//"}catch(y){m.crossDomain=!0}}if("string"!=typeof,m.traditional)),xb(sb,m,c,x),2===v)return x;k=n.event&&,k&&"ajaxStart"),m.type=m.type.toUpperCase(),m.hasContent=!qb.test(m.type),f=m.url,m.hasContent||("&":"? 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If you are new to Journey or have a question, we'd love to connect with you. Check It Out. "),delete,m.cache===!1&&(m.url=nb.test(f)?f.replace(nb,"$1_="+kb++):f+(lb.test(f)?"&":"?")+"_="+kb++)),m.ifModified&&(n.lastModified[f]&&x.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since",n.lastModified[f]),n.etag[f]&&x.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match",n.etag[f])),(!==!1||c.contentType)&&x.setRequestHeader("Content-Type",m.contentType),x.setRequestHeader("Accept",m.dataTypes[0]&&m.accepts[m.dataTypes[0]]?m.accepts[m.dataTypes[0]]+("*"!==m.dataTypes[0]? 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Learn More. window.location.reload(); } :a|area)$/i;n.fn.extend({prop:function(a,b){return K(this,n.prop,a,b,arguments.length>1)},removeProp:function(a){return this.each(function(){delete this[n.propFix[a]||a]})}}),n.extend({prop:function(a,b,c){var d,e,f=a.nodeType;if(3!==f&&8!==f&&2!==f)return 1===f&&n.isXMLDoc(a)||(b=n.propFix[b]||b,e=n.propHooks[b]), $('.page-animate').removeClass('page-animate-hidden'); Dianna is a mother of one, grandmotherto7, and great-grandmother to three (best job titles in the world)! (c=[a,a,"",b],d.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(a.toLowerCase())?ha(function(a,c){var d,f=e(a,b),g=f.length;while(g--)d=J(a,f[g]),a[d]=! Tammy joined our team in 2019 as the Journey Kids Director and became the Director of Family Ministries (leading children's ministry and student ministry teams) in 2022. Service Times. !-c[ea]).+)/,Ia={position:"absolute",visibility:"hidden",display:"block"},Ja={letterSpacing:"0",fontWeight:"400"},Ka=["Webkit","O","Moz","ms"],La=d.createElement("div").style;function Ma(a){if(a in La)return a;var b=a[0].toUpperCase()+a.slice(1),c=Ka.length;while(c--)if(a=Ka[c]+b,a in La)return a}function Na(a,b,c){var d=T.exec(b);return d?Math.max(0,d[2]-(c||0))+(d[3]||"px"):b}function Oa(a,b,c,d,e){for(var f=c===(d?"border":"content")?4:"width"===b?1:0,g=0;4>f;f+=2)"margin"===c&&(g+=n.css(a,c+U[f],!0,e)),d? As a church, we want to help lead people . if (event.persisted) { :\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,C=n.fn.init=function(a,b,c){var e,f;if(!a)return this;if(c=c||A,"string"==typeof a){if(e="<"===a[0]&&">"===a[a.length-1]&&a.length>=3?[null,a,null]:B.exec(a),!e||!e[1]&&b)return!b||b.jquery? nmFlex.showBackToTop(); As a part of Journey's mission to share the gospel with all parts of the world, we have decided to partner with individuals who at times risk their lives to share the good news of Jesus. NM.ignoreOnBeforeUnload = true; Pastor Heather is a new CMC (Conference Ministerial Candidate) in the Free Methodist church. } // handle click of email link in block.address-block BEGINNING MAR 26th NEW Sunday Service Times will be 8:30 AM | 9:45 AM | 11:30 AM. :input|select|textarea|button)$/i,Y=/^h\d$/i,Z=/^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,$=/^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\. He loves when he gets the opportunity to walk with people (students and adults) through the ups and downs of their faith journeys. *:")})),(c.matchesSelector=Z.test(s=o.matches||o.webkitMatchesSelector||o.mozMatchesSelector||o.oMatchesSelector||o.msMatchesSelector))&&ia(function(a){,"div"),,"[s!='']:x"),r.push("!=",O)}),q=q.length&&new RegExp(q.join("|")),r=r.length&&new RegExp(r.join("|")),b=Z.test(o.compareDocumentPosition),t=b||Z.test(o.contains)?function(a,b){var c=9===a.nodeType?a.documentElement:a,d=b&&b.parentNode;return a===d||!(!d||1!==d.nodeType||! Feb. 16-18 at Baylor University's Truett Seminary, we convened our second national conversation about racism in the white church, "Time to Wake Up."Although those attending were passionate about the program and online and social media comments before, during and after ran about 10-1 in favor of the work, I personally received a number of scathing comments via email, Twitter and my ghost . He faithfully serves the church through providing care for our seniors, divorcees, those experiencing grief, running our food pantry, and more! Current Job Openings Harrison Alexander Large Group Coordinator, UpStreet View Profile Stephanie Boarman Small Group Coordinator, UpStreet The ministry of Mountain is shared by all those who commit to the mission of making more and better disciples, and . He became the Associate Lead Pastor in 2020, and became Journey's Lead Pastor starting January 2023. (2>v))throw y;z(-1,y)}}else z(-1,"No Transport");function z(b,c,d,h){var j,l,t,u,w,y=c;2!==v&&(v=2,i&&a.clearTimeout(i),e=void 0,g=h||"",x.readyState=b>0?4:0,j=b>=200&&300>b||304===b,d&&(u=zb(m,x,d)),u=Ab(m,u,x,j),j? When Becky is not serving at Journey, you can find her. Journey Christian Church. :\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/,Q=/[A-Z]/g;function R(a,b,c){var d;if(void 0===c&&1===a.nodeType)if(d="data-"+b.replace(Q,"-$&").toLowerCase(),c=a.getAttribute(d),"string"==typeof c){try{c="true"===c?!0:"false"===c? // setTimeout(function(){ if (window.self != { $('.custom_button').addClass(NM.buttonStyleClasses); s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, Jeremy has 3 sons and 2 daughters with his wife, Crystal. She is taking classes toward full ordination and is enjoying the process. (g[j]=l))}}else r=ua(r===g?r.splice(o,r.length):r),e?e(null,g,r,i):H.apply(g,r)})}function wa(a){for(var b,c,e,f=a.length,g=d.relative[a[0].type],h=g||d.relative[" "],i=g?1:0,k=ra(function(a){return a===b},h,!0),l=ra(function(a){return J(b,a)>-1},h,!0),m=[function(a,c,d){var e=!g&&(d||c!==j)||((b=c).nodeType?k(a,c,d):l(a,c,d));return b=null,e}];f>i;i++)if(c=d.relative[a[i].type])m=[ra(sa(m),c)];else{if(c=d.filter[a[i].type].apply(null,a[i].matches),c[u]){for(e=++i;f>e;e++)if(d.relative[a[e].type])break;return va(i>1&&sa(m),i>1&&qa(a.slice(0,i-1).concat({value:" "===a[i-2].type? He brings a unique perspective to prison ministry and serving those who are living behind bars. When not at Journey you can find her circleyoutubecircledollar circleemail. The Vision of Journey Christian Church comes from God and is implemented by the Pastoral Staff team, led by Pastor Dustin Aagaard. Here are 3 things you need to know about Aaron, Meet Gus Aguirre! Pastor Harvey received his ministry undergraduate degree from Florida Christian College and a Masters Degree from Reformed Theological Seminary. Journey Kids is available on Sunday mornings and is led by staff and volunteers who will be there each week to care for and love on your child. } He loves mixing the audio for the online stream and helping the technological parts of the service run smoothly. } } Privacy Policy if (NM.isFlexEditMode) { This Month at CJ. // we are in the editor As the children's pastor, Heather oversees the . "on":a.value})});var ib=/^(? After growing up in the beautiful Seattle area, Andrew moved to California to study Christian ministry at Azusa Pacific University, where he met his wife, Brianna. Pastor journey christian church staff January 2023 relationship with Jesus is not serving at Journey Christian Church in June of 2020 Online... Team in 2022 as the children & # x27 ; d love to connect with.. 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