It's worth it for FTM surgeries, though; he has great results and I've heard that his, Dr. Chen's, and Dr. Wittenberg's bedside manners are all lovely. This type of transitioning does and has not been around long enough to determine a level of care and because of that its the wild wild west. 1. I was actually the one to email you when you posted. Crane's got absolutely ridiculous wait times because he's one of the high profile surgeons for phalloplasty. I have no problem with urination, but sensitivity isnt great. Its because of this type of ignorance. According to court records, Ms lawsuit against Dr. Crane was dismissed on March 15, 2019. I have been looking into the bottom for a while, and since canada approved government funding a few years ago i decided to go forth with the application for lower. 3.3 (7 ratings) Leave a review Brownstein and Crane Surgical Services 575 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Ste 1 Greenbrae, CA 94904 Accepting new patients No question these kids are being earnest and honest, as were the strawberry virus teens in Portugal. 1. Its impossible to know. What we do know is that none of these dismissals appear to have been the result of a jury or other type of fact-finding proceeding that evaluated Dr. Cranes conduct and made any findings about negligence or malpractice. As with the other actions listed above, this lawsuit also alleged malpractice in connection with genital surgery: Interestingly, the plaintiff in that case alleged that at the time he consulted Dr. Crane, Dr. Crane told him that none of his patients had ever had a serious complication from phalloplasty, that it was a safe procedure, and that only 5% of his patients have needed surgical repairs.. The amount paid in settlement of such a claim is confidential virtually 100% of the time. Theres only 11 subscribers and I dont expect that to grow. Phalloplasty in transgender men involves the creation of a penis using any one of a number of procedures; either a free flap or pedicled flap of skin, usually taken from the arm (radial forearm free-flap, RFF) or anterior lateral thigh (anterior lateral thigh pedicled flap phalloplasty, ALT). With this amount of money flowing around, and a large number of malpractice suits with NDAs attached, the true scale of Dr Curtiss malpractice seems to be well hidden below the surface. We are one of the highes. Thats pretty out there; not really ethical medical practice. Those of us who had surgery with Dr Crane from 2014-2016 can say without a shadow of a doubt, that he did in fact state he had a less than 5% complication rate. my good friend had phallo with him a few years back, and now he is having minor complications. Let me tell you something Noah, you dont want someone to get a Phallo because of something as ignorant as what you just stated. If the trans community would wake up and see how he has his lawyers communicate with those who had to deal with complications one couldnt even dream about they may realize who he really is. Since our initial post about Dr. Crane and his legal troubles, one of the lawsuits that was then pending against him has apparently been settled, and two more have been filed.This brings to a total of eight the number of times that Dr. Crane has now been sued for medical . Its impossible to know., There is an important point that is missing. Leadership Insights for the 21st Century Second in a series. The fact that he insists that he never said that is a complete lie and its a slap to the face for many of us who believed in him, his confidence, his cool, calm, and collected demeanor as he would go through his spiel. This gets my goat. So, its important to understand: When dismissal with prejudice is entered as part of a settlement, it does not indicate that anyone has ruled on the merits of the case. austin miles geter baby; mental health week activities 2021; dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit Part 3 is here. What is the story behind Dr. Cranes relocation to Texas? We dont publish comments which spread suicide contagion and/or misleading information about suicidality. strongly considering finding another surgon. In my experience, his representing lawyers are cruel and demeaning-with zero regard that they are speaking to those who have experienced a tremendous amount of trauma by their clients (Dr Crane) hand. Its really a tragedy for these poor victims of an ideology that promises to make your body fit to an image of yourself that you think is true. So sorry you went through all of that. Hope youre doing better now! In process of getting government coverage for meta w/ crane. These comments are also the reason why Dr. Crane after 9 medical malpractices cases and new 1 in Texas is flying under the radar. Obviously Im transgender and I, me I I I I dont get how anyone can defend him. 6. We dont guarantee that a submitted comment will be posted. Its not clear when Dr. Santucci joined Dr. Cranes practice, but he does not appear to have been part of the earlier Brownstein-Crane incarnation: Not to worry, though: Dr. Safir remains busy in San Francisco. However, a large-scale study using data from the National Practitioner Data Bank also found that a tiny fraction of doctors (1%) accounts for almost one-third (32%) of paid medical claims. In my communication with others, they too agreed, that when asked, the complications he listed were said in a very non-chalant way and that they were only simple ones like urethral strictures/fistulas. 24, US, post-phallo One commenter already described the lawsuits and another said something I totally agree with (you shouldn't get to sue a surgeon because YOU regret getting an optional surgery), but neither used Crane so I'll contribute. * Second and since youve come from abroad perhaps this isnt really your area but the number of malpractice lawsuits that have been filed against Dr. Crane is phenomenal for one doctor in such a short time period. I wanted to bring a book to the attention of some of the contributors and curators of the blog. So please dont tell me that going trans is the perfect antidote to suicide: I wont believe you. Davis v. Crane, CGC-17-557363 was dismissed December 10, 2018. Whoever signs on for phalloplasty and the related procedures should be given a thorough grounding in the fact that these kinds of outcomes are possible, you know? Some commentators argue that keeping medical malpractice settlement amounts confidential hurts the public: Secret nondisclosure agreements also affect patient safety by allowing bad doctors and other dangerous medical providers to continue to harm patients because their incompetency is hidden from their present and future patients and employers. Having seen the photos of what Dr Curtis Crane has done to my friends arm, that arm will never recover, believe that Dr Curtis Crane should stop performing phalloplasty. And the parents go along with same, in the misguided name of being compassionate. No doubt this all feels very real. What one will notice when a reasonable attempt at a debate about the issues involving the brigade is attempted, the reversion to schoolyard level tactics comes across on the part of the person[s] from the community. This guy in my opinion is a butcher. and Does 1-30 alleging medical negligence. And Im also sorry that your community (Im assuming your husband is FTM) let you down on this one. At the Crane Center we offer the full spectrum of Gender Reassignment Surgery procedures for transgender and non-binary individuals. dr. Crane practices in California because you are only allowed to sue him one year from initial incident. Can a phalloplasty be reversed at all? Doe v. Crane, CGC-16-550630 was dismissed April 5, 2017. Do you think that, being young children after all, they expect that one day the Gender Fairy will pay a visit? Please let us know. On January 4, 2018, the court denied Dr. Cranes motion to dismiss the complaint. Any time Ive gone in for any surgery as an adult, Ive been told of the risks and possible long term effects, and the decision to proceed has always been mine (I dont remember being asked when I had my heart attack 5 years ago, but that was t routine surgery but an emergency procedure, I doubt anyone is going to hang around waiting for consent in those situations). Part 1 is here. A physician who has had four is four times more likely and so on.. The entire penis was later removed, and the plaintiff was informed by another doctor that he never should have been considered for this surgery. HEY MAN THANK YOU FOR SPEAKING OUT. Jacobs mother, Mimi, has already written her memoir chronicling the familys journey. You know that phrase tip of the iceberg? He never and I mean, never alluded to anything. He is brutal and refuses to admit you back into the hospital. The recent wave of teens are very clearly experiencing these as very real and painful symptoms, and are not making it up. Yet, weve been attacked, big-time, for even bringing attention to these matters. I do feel sorry for these men though, please dont mistake that I dont. I liked cranes results initially as i researched him for a number of years. As soon as I pressed him for the surgeon or where he got it done he vanished. The plaintiff holds Crane responsible because the defendant allegedly failed to accurately advise him of the risks of the surgery and the complication rate. Before we can confidently predict that Jacob, and peers will live happily ever after, we should take a look at another story. Fear of speaking out because even though free speech is allowed, Dr Crane will probably have no issue in going after anyone who speaks of him, despite if everything is based on facts. What is notable is that, as of the time of our earlier article in 2018, Brownstein-Crane was a thriving California transgender medical practice. I wonder how much Crane payed him to air this? Nothing is a sure thing. 6 months post-op 6 months post-op - inside But thats just it, Dr Crane wasnt giving that information-even if asked and I myself had many consultations with him. This is not in dispute; even affirmative gender therapists (e.g. He charged me $254,000 for this surgery. At the end of the day, there are resources out there to equip guys with the information they need to know what the general risks are no matter who the surgeon is. Our reporting on Dr. Crane is strictly factual, and weve bent over backwards to be fair. In and of itself, this is not surprising. Imagine being harmed by someone, like so beyond the point of return, and yet the only person who can help you is the person who did you harm. Dr Crane would tell-all to patients and often it was like a game of telephone. (uro-genital reconstructive surgeon); Ashley DeLeon, M.D. From interrogatory answers filed in the Raynor case, cited above, we do know something about Dr. Cranes professional liability and medical malpractice coverage in 2016, the date the malpractice alleged in that case was claimed to have occurred (see Motion for Relief from Waiver of Discovery Objections dated April 16, 2018, Declaration of Corban J. Porter and Exhibit D thereto): Private settlement agreements also typically include NDA (or non-disclosure agreement) provisions, in which the parties agree to keep all terms of the settlement confidential, and further agree to the payment of damages in the event of a breach. In my opinion, anyone who has penetrative sex or Is willing to get pregnant/impregnate a female is NOT TRANS and Is appropriating my lifelong misery. No. Trial is set for June 24, 2019. The Crane Center has wasted no time in accessing potential new patients, sending attractive representatives to attend such conferences as Gender Odyssey in San Diego and the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference, and sponsoring art festivals and pride events. That is mostly reserved for older folks like me, who have a lifetime of bad health decisions that are just now catching up to them. Most surgeon websites are not very informative and most 3rd party websites on this topic are broken and fragmented at best. Your comments are far far far more dangerous than any of the others on this site. Poignantly if not somewhat hypocritically, the ftm (female to male) Reddit references our earlier post about Dr. Crane as the source for information about his practice, and goes on to allege that his practice has been dropped from the Kaiser Permanente California health plan due to the amount of lawsuits against him: We were not able to confirm whether Dr. Crane is still a listed physician with Kaiser Permanente from that insurers site, but at least one additional source seems to confirm that he is not. The reason why Dr. Crane has stayed in practice is because the majority of his patients were young transgender people that had been looking their entire lives to hear what Dr. Crane told them they could have. I couldn't believe he didn't interrupt me once! The truth always.. heard some bad stories of him but after your story its the cherry ontop. These stories are absolutely heart-breaking. The donor site is thin and supple allowing the flap to be easily tubed and shaped into a phallus, and the relatively hairless skin provides erogenous sensation and often allows urethral reconstruction in a single stage. Yes, this site and our comments and articles are so terrible, yet this site is the only place that cares enough to warn future patients away from Dr. Crane. These surgeons are not about helping people with Gender issues it is all about $$$$ . Not entirely, you can have the Phallos or Penis removed, but you have a vagiasectomy to get this procedure doneNo more Vagina..Its a horrible surgery and should be illegal or this Surgeon should have his medical license removed. This is dangerous. This doctor made a big mistake. According to the complaint, the plaintiff met with the defendant to discuss gender reassignment surgery, including metoidioplasty. Specifically, M alleges that when M complained to Dr. Crane that vaginectomy and scrotoplasty were listed on Ms informed consent document, when those operations were not supposed to be performed, Dr. Crane reassured M that they were listed on the document either as a typo or for billing purposes [emphasis added]. [1] Interestingly, on March 7, 2019, Cranes defense counsel in this case was ordered to pay a $1,800 sanction for misuse of the discovery process.. dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit. But better to hear this and have to find ways to cope with it, than having to cope with such a surgical aftermath. In other words, it does not appear that an independent arbiter has reviewed the facts of these cases and ruled on whether the care provided either complied, or did not comply, with established standards of care. This is not surprising, since over 90% of all medical malpractice cases never go to trial. Well drop you an email. If more people knew what was going on, there wouldnt be so much blind support. Thomas Satterwhite, M.D. Research has revealed some interesting facts and circumstances about Dr. Crane. Its really sad that our options are so limited, in so many ways. Even after 6 years I would love to die today I cannot recover from Cranes brutality and despise the transgender community activist for promoting and protecting this butcher. Not being sarcastic FYI, just glad it worked for someone without major complications. Lastly many people wonder why some of us didnt come forward or waited SO LONG (past the California stipulation to file a medical malpractice suit) the reason being was because he ruined us he messed us up but there werent many performing these surgeries around 2013-2016 so therefore he was the only one trained (its sickening to say that) to fix what he did. Again, though, the question naturally arises should the practitioners in this field be immune from liability, because the over-riding need for care is so great? What does this mean? There are those of us who have had to use said medications for their exact purposes and to be blunt, no one, no sane person in their right mind would want to be on those for an extended time. Dr. Crane now appears to practice in Austin, Texas, and has been joined there by Dr. Richard Santucci (together with Dr. DeLeon); Dr. Safir holds down the fort in San Francisco and has been joined by Dr. Angela Rodriguez. This story received no media attention. Most get out alive but some dont and you have to reckon those odds with yourself before doing it. (uro-genital surgeon); Gabriel Kind, M.D. Why is this experimental surgery even allowed? Some might find the idea of a memoir just a bit premature given that Jacobs transgender journey is, at this point, only five years in duration, but honestly, youd have to be a real meanie to object. There are many and way more than not, successful phalloplasty. Any care is better than no care? As is common to all United States courts, records of lawsuits and the underlying documents can be found by going to the court website for the appropriate jurisdiction, in this case the San Francisco Superior Court. The damage in same can last a lifetimeno different than with the HRT cocktail and can lead to such wonderful things as circulatory issues and renal problems. San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon, Curtis Crane, M.D., continues his odyssey through the San Francisco court system. Ms case (CGC-17-560690) was, like the others, filed in the civil division of the San Francisco Superior Court under the pseudonym John Doe. (Note: Although M was repeatedly doxxed in the court records by the attorneys on all sides, we retain his privacy here, as we have no interest in shaming or causing further sadness to M [we use Ms preferred pronouns for the same reason].). Try giving a call to an attorney for med mal, they would have to create a baseline for trans surgery because current they dont have any.This surgery needs to have a baseline and procedure in place and they dont. From interrogatory answers filed in the Raynor case, cited above, we do know something about Dr. Cranes professional liability and medical malpractice coverage in 2016, the date the malpractice alleged in that case was claimed to have occurred (see Motion for Relief from Waiver of Discovery Objections dated April 16, 2018, Declaration of Corban J. Porter and Exhibit D thereto): Private settlement agreements also typically include NDA (or non-disclosure agreement) provisions, in which the parties agree to keep all terms of the settlement confidential, and further agree to the payment of damages in the event of a breach. Remember Coy Mathis brave fight to use the little girls room at age six? These kids that are transitioning will be a much much bigger ration of suicides once they realize how difficult it is to transition and they are 25 and begin to understand how invasive and hard it is to transition. San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon, Curtis Crane, M.D., continues his odyssey through the San Francisco court system. To be judged by anyone for any reason is just so sad especially your own community because you want to speak out about a botched surgery . Dr. Crane moved to Texas and no longer practices medicine in San Francisco, so if you're having surgery in San Francisco, it won't be with Crane. The authors go on to feature the history of other such media-driven plagues. Fascinating and disturbing. Youre asserting that mis-gendering / dressing room access and online bullying doesnt cause actual harm it can and does. But a San Francisco Superior Court record search for Doctors Thomas Satterwhite, Michael Safir, Richard Santucci, Ashley DeLeon, and Charles Lee, all surgical partners in Dr. Cranes practice, does not reveal any pending medical malpractice lawsuits for any of these doctors. I wish you every happiness in life. Dr. For phalloplasty, there are two main options: single stage vs staged phalloplasty. Perhaps some of his current or former patients will enlighten us. Dr. Crane is one of only a few surgeons in the world who is trained as both a plastic surgeon and urologist and has also completed fellowships in reconstructive urology and transgender surgery. Even in the few short years since the transgender child became the medias go-to story, several stars have skyrocketed to prominence, only to disappear. This is a barbaric surgery and should be illegal. Most doctors are cis straight men who actively do not want anyone born female to have what they have. I will do whatever it takes to make sure no one goes through what I went through ever again. I have a personal request which is very important. Its harmful to minimize it. SAN FRANCISCO The patient of a San Francisco County physician alleges he was injured because of a surgical procedure. Finally, these litigations were also dismissed with prejudice, which means that the plaintiff cannot bring another lawsuit based on the same facts. (We note that Dr. Meltzer. He almost died and thats not a hyperbole. Hi Rose, it looks Dr. Crane has hired a PR person, this latest video interviewed has 11 followere, but the kids wont investigate information. Your comments are much more dangerous than any one on this site that is concerned out the early stage of transitioning. But to come forward means backlash from the community or a slander case may be used against us.. F*ck our comments section on our terrible site for giving a damn about these natal females. The purpose of medical malpractice is not simply to pay future medical costs that might be uncovered, or otherwise to reimburse expenses that insurance does not. A review of the lawsuits pending against Dr. Crane reveals the following detail: Lewis Raynor and Haven Herrin v. Crane, CGC-17-556713. The outcome has been good. Many of the males who tend to run media outlets, whether LGBT, trans, or traditional, just dont see an important story in young womens genitalia being butchered by an incompetent surgeon. I spent a month on a morphine drip after another doctor admitted me when Crane would not. 12,000 children across Japan suddenly fell ill watching the show after that news report was made. DeLeon and Safir remain affiliated with Dr. Crane. Let me say this should you ever be in Montreal you are welcome in my home anytime. Or former patients will enlighten us go to trial and peers will happily! Refuses to admit you back into the hospital ; even affirmative Gender therapists e.g..... heard some bad stories of him but after your story its the cherry ontop records, Ms against. Raynor and Haven Herrin v. Crane, CGC-16-550630 was dismissed April 5,.... Facts and circumstances dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit Dr. Crane is strictly factual, and weve bent over backwards be. Confidential virtually 100 % of the time doctors are cis straight men who actively do not want anyone female! Blind support FYI, just glad it worked for someone without major.... 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